ADL Subscription Sale - Only $299 - Buy Now - Academy of Dental Learning & OSHA Training - Radiography Continuing Education - Ohio - United States

Senior Dental Students: Just Starting Your Practice?

If you are a senior dental student just starting your practice you have come to the right place.

  • Our compliance courses will help you to protect your license.
  • Our continuing education courses will assist you in working with a variety of patients who have differing needs.
  • Our business and management certificate courses, offered in cooperation with UGotClass, will prepare you to run your office efficiently.

We invite you to complete our courses now, as a Senior Dental Student, and invite you back annually to meet your compliance training and continuing education requiements. Visit our Course Catalog to view our entire course catalog or our Compliance Corner to view all of our compliance courses.

Senior Dental Students

Online Course Books




Advanced Radiology 6 $60
Anxious or Phobic Patients: Best Treatment Practices 4 $40
Basic Ethics in Dentistry 3 $40
Domestic Violence & Dental Professionals 2 $30
Halitosis: A Clinical Review 7 $70
HIV / AIDS: Updated Review & Clinical Considerations 2 $30
Infection Control Review 4 $40
Infection Control: OSHA, Bloodborne Pathogens, Hazard Comm 8 $80
Local Anesthetic Review 8 $80
Managing the Pediatric Dental Patient 4 $40
Medical Emergencies Management and Risk Management: Medical Error Prevention 6 $60
New York State Infection Control (New York - ALL Professions) 4 $30
Nitrous Oxide Sedation: Clinical & OSHA Safety Review 4 $40
OSHA Dental: Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Annual Review 2 $30
Patient Records: HIPAA & HITECH Best Practices in Dentistry 1 $10
Recognizing Dental Patients who are Victims of Domestic Violence &/or Sex Trafficking 3 $30
Risk Management: Prevention of Medical Errors In The Dental Practice 2 $30
Tuberculosis 7 $70
Wound Healing: A New Understanding of the Drama 2 $30

Online Video Course Catalog - Compliance Training




Empathy, Prayer, and Patient Care 2 $30
Globally Harmonized System Training 2 $30
HIPAA - The Good, the Bad, the Mandated 3 $30
Medical Emergencies 3 $30
Opioid Safety and Pain Management in the Dental Office (Massachusettes) 2 $30
Opioid Safety and Pain Management in the Dental Office: New York Mandated Training 3 $30
OSHA - Bloodborne Pathogens: Post-Exposure Control Plan 2 $30
OSHA-Infection Control 2 $30
Risk Management - Dental Informed Consent 2 $30
Risk Management - Dental Record Keeping and Documentation 2 $30
Risk Management - Empower, Protect, Relax (Florida) 3 $40
Sterilzation & Disinfection of Instruments 2 $30

Business and Leadership Certificate Courses





Certificate in Accounting and Finance for Non-Financial Managers 48 $495
Certificate in Office Operations 48 $495
Entrepreneurship Certificate 48 $495
Entrepreneurship Finance Certificate 48 $495
Certificate in Customer Service 32 $245
Certificate in Workplace Communication 56 $595
Certificate in Leadership Development (For Gen Y) 48 $395
Executive Leaderhsip Certificate 48 $695
Management Certificate 48 $595
Managing Social Media Platforms Certificate 48 $495
Social Media for Business Certifciate 48 $495
Individual Courses




Accounting and Finance for Non-Financial Managers 16 $195
Cash is King 16 $195
Financial Analysis and Planning for Non-Financial Managers Office Operations 16 $195
Office Operations 16 $195
Cyber Security for Managers 16 $195
Embracing Sustainability in the Workplace 16 $195
Entrepreneur Boot Camp 16 $195
The Business Plan 16 $195
Entrepreneurial Marketing 16 $195
Your Workplace, Your Empoyees & The Law 16 $195
Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP) Fundamentals 16 $175
Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP) 16 $175

Business Communication



Keys to Customer Service 16 $145
Extraordinary Customer Service 16 $145
Female Bullying in the Workplace 16 $195
Conflict Management 24 $245
Negotiation: Get What You Want 16 $195
Using Personality Profiles for Better Work Performance 16 $295
Spanish for Medical Professionals 16 $145
Spanish for Medical Professionals II 16 $145

Human Resources



Applying Lean Sigma Practices to HR Functions 16 $245
Change Management Skills for HR Professionals 16 $245




Leadership Principles 16 $145
Developing Your Leadership Skills 16 $145
Developing Your Professional Career 16 $145
Executive Leadership in the 21st Century 16 $395
How to Avoid Fatal Leadership Errors 16 $295

LEED Green Workplace



LEED AP + Building Design and Construction 32 $795
LEED v4 Accredited Profession for Existing Building: Operations + Maintenance Exam Prep 32 $795
LEED v4 Green Assoicate Exam Prep & Study Group 32 $795




NEW! Collaborative Management 16 $245
Get Things Done 16 $245
Lean Six Sigma 16 $245
Management Boot Camp 16 $295
NEW! 21st Century Strategies for Productivity and Time Management 16 $195
Managing Generations in the Workplace 16 $175
Stress Management 16 $145

Social Media for Small Business



Evernote 16 $195
Instagram for Business 16 $245
Twitter 16 $195
Facebook for Business 16 $195
LinkedIn for Business 16 $195
Introduction to Social Media 16 $195
Marketing Using Social Media 16 $195
Integrating Social Media in Your Organization 16 $195