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07-5631-20022: Tuberculosis |
Course Abstract: |
Contact Hours (CE): The Academy of Dental Learning and OSHA Training, LLC, designates this activity for 7 continuing education credits (7 CEs). Educational Objectives
Course DescriptionAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Although TB case counts and incidence are decreasing in the United States, progress is insufficient to achieve in this century the goal of TB elimination. Measures to diagnose and treat active TB disease must continue, and new strategies aimed at accelerating progress toward TB elimination in the United States, such as targeted testing for and treatment of LTBI, should also be employed. Expanded partnerships with health care providers outside of the public health sector will be important in effectively implementing such a strategy” (Schmit et al, 2017). TB Infection simply means that the individual has the bacteria present in his or her body and may develop TB in their lifetime. A person who only has TB infection cannot spread TB. A person with TB disease gets sick (has symptoms of the disease) and can spread the disease. An individual is capable of infecting others with M. tuberculosis only when the disease is active. Understanding the difference between TB infection and TB disease is fundamental in controlling TB. In the US, 90% of infected individuals will remain free from developing TB disease in their lifetime. Five percent (5%) of recently infected individuals will develop TB disease within 1-2 years after infection. The other 5% will develop TB later in life. Therefore, the greatest risk of developing TB disease is within the first 1-2 years after infection.
About the AuthorsDr. Joseli Alves-Dunkerson is a public health dentist with extensive experience in both the private and public sectors. She completed her graduate studies in dentistry, public health and management at the University of Iowa. She also works as a dental public health consultant. Mr. Dunkerson is a freelance medical-technical writer and editor whose last position was with the Cancer Center of the University of Iowa. Previously he was a technical writer for the engineering department of an electronics manufacturer. While earning his MA in English from the University of Northern Iowa, he was a science writer for a laboratory publishing papers in microbiology, biochemistry, and cancer research. Ms. Wright is a continuing education editor and writer as well as a Temp PRN with agencies in the Washington State area. Ms. Wright earned her MS at the UNM and Pierce College of Washington State in 1997 and certification in Utilization of the 970 Diode Laser and Safety in Dentistry in February of 2015. Ms. Wright works to implement Dental Education seminars as a Hospital-Dental Liaison building collaborative, mutual efforts to promote patient wellness between medical practitioners and dentists while prioritizing care for untreated, medially compromised patients.
How to Take This CourseClick on the logo below to open the course book. Study the course then return to this page and click to Take the Exam. Upon successful completion of the exam you will be asked to register and pay over a secure connection. Your exam will grade automatically and your certificate will display for you to save and/or print for your records. |
Contact Hours: 7.00 Price: $70.00 |